Wow, interesting. Fact? Fiction?
Ever heard of Occams Razor?
(spelling changed, I tip my hat to francois)
the official version .
of 9/11 is a hoax
commentary by john kaminski.
Wow, interesting. Fact? Fiction?
Ever heard of Occams Razor?
(spelling changed, I tip my hat to francois)
two foreign immigrants have just arrived in the united states by boat and one says to the other, "i hear that the people of this country actually eat dogs.
" "odd," her companion replies, "but if we .
shall live in america, we might as well do as the americans do.
Good One! Dottie.
one of the 'problems' i had before blackguard deprogrammed me was i could not reconcile the actions of the j-dud masters with a loving god.
i felt if god was with these people i did not want to live in any new system under this power structure.
if god was as phoney, vengeful, and petty a person as his faithful and discreet slave was i was better off dead.
I'd rather have a sharp stick in the eye!
With regards to Sheila's belly button... Yea it's sexy.
With regards to her posting a pic.... Don't hold your breath.
With regards the size of my arms... all the better to hold my SheilaM
With regards to a leash... I've always said that the prettier the girl the shorter the leash, SheilaM is currently strapped to my back!
we are in the midst of editing the proof copy of "thunder rider's burden", sheila believes we need a pronunciation key, how does one do this or does anyone know where to get one done?.
also since my novel is fantasy genre about another land do you feel i need to include a map of that land?.
Appreciate the help folks. Looks like Sheila is going to be palying cartographer at school tomorrow. A map it is. I don't know if it will make into the first printing or not though. I will also see about a pronunciation key for some of the names amd places.
You guys are great.
we are in the midst of editing the proof copy of "thunder rider's burden", sheila believes we need a pronunciation key, how does one do this or does anyone know where to get one done?.
also since my novel is fantasy genre about another land do you feel i need to include a map of that land?.
We are in the midst of editing the proof copy of "Thunder Rider's Burden", Sheila believes we need a pronunciation key, how does one do this or does anyone know where to get one done?
Also since my novel is fantasy genre about another land do you feel I need to include a map of that land?
Thank you
i am a huge fan of books by the author terry brooks.
i have almost every book he has written.
anybody else a big fan of his?
Brooks is a genius. I started readint the Shannara books in highschool and have gone through several copies of each with re-reads. My son just finished the first book, The Sword Od Shannara and is looking forward to starting the Elf Stones. I must admit he is one author that encouraged me in my writing though I doubt I'll ever be of his caliber.
SheilaM read the Magic Kingdom series and loved it. I have yet to read them for myself. I can't get past the talking dog at the beginning. Maybe we'll get snowed in this weekend and I can give it another go.
to all all that took the time to extend wishes to melanie, thank you.
she was touched, you all made her grin from ear to ear and that made my day!!!!!!
your thoughtful words were just too much.
My appreciation as well to all of you who took a minute and made my daughter smile. I have found most all of you to be good folks. Its a nice change from what we became used to in the Org.
My best to you all and Happy Valentine's Day.
( I have to go make squishy noises with SheilaM now.)
my daughter melanie who is 20, is going through a rough time.
i won't go into detail for her privacy, but she is now a single mom with a 8 month old baby.
this day is very hard for her.
Well Thank You all so much. Mom is sweet like that. I'm not quite so mushy! Well Makayla has a lot of ways to make me forget the bad days! And I am not worried about being single--it was my choice. But I do appreciate everyone's loving words. You all mean so much to my mom and dad. By the way I do NOT have an eating disorder--I am a healthy 135 pounds--mom's just JEALOUS!!! Hehehe(joke mom) Well thanks and God Bless.
Melanie Madonia
i hope you find this amusing, this short narrative is a "monster telling".
you take a normal thing and with exaggeration make it into a monster.
the amaygadala is the part of the brain that controls anger, impulses etc.
Yes, Yes, she is a very talented my Sheila. I think the story will however part the hair of most readers. Wouldst more of us stretch the boundaries of our intellect instead of our libidos and waistlines.
<of the Proud as hell of my girl class >